Solutions For Complex Earth Science Problems Around the World Since 1997


Earthquake Geology
Earthquakes are a basic and natural process of the earth. But, when earthquakes occur in proximity to our human civilizations, disaster is the all too common result. Lives are lost, injuries are sustained, communities and businesses are destroyed, investment is lost, and the web of society is torn, often for decades into the future.
While the occurrence of an earthquake cannot yet be prevented, the disastrous consequences of that earthquake can be. Knowledge of the risk is our business, transferring that knowledge to you is our obligation, and advising you on how to act with that knowledge is our mission.
Step 1: Geologic and Seismic Assessment
The geologic experts at Earth Consultants International have worked all over the world studying active faults and the earthquakes they produce. We will apply our knowledge and experience to your facility to:
- Map the surrounding hazards
- Characterize the fault activity
- Quantify the soil conditions
- Develop earthquake probabilities
- Calculate the ground shaking
- Model the ground failures
Step 2: Structural Assessment
Earthquake engineering applies the knowledge of the behavior of structural systems under earthquake loads to your situation by:
- Characterizing the existing structure
- Modeling the dynamic performance
- Isolating critical systems
- Designing feasible strengthening options
- Providing strengthening cost estimates
- Drawing construction plans
Step 3: Risk Assessment and Mitigation
A cost-benefit analysis that weighs event versus loss, against the probability of occurrence is a critical step to understand the potential business consequences of seismic risk or earthquake risk mitigation. We are expert in the analysis and communication of these issues:
- Business process modeling
- Critical path identification
- Loss estimation
- Hazard management planning
- Emergency response planning
- Training and education