Solutions For Complex Earth Science Problems Around the World Since 1997

Southern California
Peer Review Panel for Landslide Mitigation at the Ocean Trails Golf Course Rancho Palos Verdes, California
Fault Hazard Investigation, Belmont Learning Center, Los Angeles, California
Seismic Hazard Investigation for the new North Haiwee Dam #2, Owens Valley, California
Geologic Hazard Mapping and Mitigation Plan for the Tejon Mountain Village Master Planned Development, Kern County, California
Quantitative Assessment of Coseismic Faulting and Folding Deformation Hazards at San Bernardino Valley College, California
Seismic Criteria and Ground Motion Analyses for a Dam in San Diego County, California
Geoarchaeological Investigation Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, San Diego County, California
Scenario Earthquake Analysis of Water Infrastructure Vulnerability in Orange County, Southern California
Hazard Assessment Study for the Safety Element of the General Plan for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California
Hazard Assessment Study for the Safety Element of the General Plan for the City of Moorpark, California
Hazards Mapping and Analysis, and Policy Implementation to Reduce Hazards (Safety Element of the General Plan) in the City of Pasadena, California
Hazard Assessment Study for the Safety Element of the General Plan, City of Fontana, California
Natural Hazard Mapping, Analysis, and Mitigation for the Safety Element of the General Plan for Riverside County, California
Seismic Hazard Review of the San Gabriel Fault in the Area of the Castaic Dam, Los Angeles County, California
Hazards Assessment Study for the City of Newport Beach, California
Hazards Assessment Study for the City of Glendale, California
Fault Hazard Investigation for Los Angeles Unified School District's Belmont Learning Center, Los Angeles, California
Seismic and Geologic Vulnerability Assessment of Oil and Gas Pipelines and Associated Facilities in the Los Angeles Basin, Southern California
Evaluation of Fault Rupture Susceptibility for a Network of Petroleum Product Pipelines in the Southwestern United States
Evaluating the Development Planning Constraints of the Palos Verdes Fault Zone at Chandler’s Inert and Solid Waste Fill Quarry, Rolling Hills Estates, California
Geological and Geophysical Investigations of the Coyote Pass Escarpment for Design Considerations of the Eastside Light Rail Transit Project in Los Angeles, California
Geologic Feasibility Assessment the Proposed National Underground Science Laboratory (NUSL) San Jacinto Mountains Site Palm Springs, California
Geologic Study to Evaluate the Potential for Active Faulting at the Playa Vista Development in the City of Los Angeles, California
Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Water Supply and Quality, Rancho San Andreas Development, Highland, California
Litigation Support for Slope Stability, Liquefaction and Amplified Seismic Shaking, San Francisco Oil Lease in Potrero Canyon, Newhall Ranch, California
Alluvial Fan Flood Hazard Mapping for Development Planning, Coachella Valley, Riverside County, California
Safety Elements and Technical Background Reports to Safety Elements by ECI Personnel
Groundwater Basin Investigation and Wastewater Recharge Analysis for the Malibu Creek Estuary Area, Malibu California
Geologic Assessment of Directional Drilling Operations for Calpine’s Sherman Island Pipeline, Contra Costa County, California
Geological Evaluation and Program Management for the Installation of Permanent GPS Receiver Stations Throughout Southern California
Mitigation of Natural and Man-made Hazards During Planning and Development of the Olinda Ranch Residential Project, City of Brea, California
Quantitative Analysis of Faulting and Fold Deformation from the Elysian Park Blind Thrust for the City of Los Angeles Trunk Sewer Tunnel
Geologic and Seismic Investigations of Co-Seismic Folding Deformation on the Coyote Pass And MacArthur Park Escarpments - Police And Emergency Operations Center Facilities, Los Angeles, California
Third-Party Review and Fault Trenching Study in the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Colton, California
Fault Rupture Hazard Investigation, West Beverly Hills Lineament / Newport-Inglewood Fault at Beverly Hills High School, Beverly Hills, California
Faulting and Liquefaction Assessment for the Southern Trails Pipeline across California
Fault Hazard Investigation and Mitigation Plan for the Centennial Specific Plan, Los Angeles County, California
Fault Hazard Screening Study for New Buildings at San Bernardino Valley College, San Bernardino, California
Fault Rupture Hazard Investigation for the Sunset Marquis Hotel Expansion Project, West Hollywood, California
Locating Underground Mining Cavities for Infrastructure Site Planning, Mount Hope Mine, Eureka, Nevada
Geomorphic Mapping of the Lower Centennial Wash Watershed, Maricopa County, Arizona
Seismic Hazards Evaluation and Mitigation Plan for El Paso Pipeline Segments 1903 and 1904
Fault Hazard Assessment Study for the Proposed La Jovita LNG Terminal Site, Baja California, Mexico
Fault Hazard Assessment Study for a Proposed LNG Terminal Facility, Costa Azul, Baja California, Mexico
Geologic Hazard Screening for Potential Power Plant Sites and LNG Terminal Facilities, Baja California, Mexico
Central America
Tectonic Geomorphic Reconnaissance of the Pedro Miguel, Azota, Miraflores, and other faults Panamá Canal Area and Vicinity, Panamá
Fault Hazard Assessment for a Proposed LNG Terminal Facility, Honduras, Central America
Seismic Hazard Assessment and Paleoseismic Investigation for a proposed Container Terminal Facility in Puerto Moín, Costa Rica, Central America
Quantitative Fault Rupture Characterization for Design of the Borinquen Dam, Panama Canal Expansion Project, Panama
Paleoseismic Hazards Evaluation of the Gatún and Limón Faults, Panama Canal, Panama
Seismic Design Parameters for a U.S. Navy Wharf Structure at Yokosuka, Japan
Assessment of Seismic Fault Rupture, Ground Deformation and Subsidence Hazards, Ford-Otosan Automobile Assembly Plant, Kocaeli, Turkey
Geotechnical Review and Preparation of Construction Design Specifications, ALARKO’s Alkent Istanbul 2000, Phase 2B, Istanbul, Turkey
Assessment of Seismically-Induced Fault and Fold Deformation Potential at the AKSA Acrylic Facility, Yalova, Turkey
Paleoseismic Investigation of the Vilarica Fault to Assess the Seismic Hazard to a Proposed Dam in Northeastern Portugal
Assessment of Earthquake Potential and Levels of Expected Seismic Shaking for a Site Near Haifa, Israel
Earthquake Damage Assessment and Mitigation in the Baghlan Province, Afghanistan