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Southern California

  • Peer Review Panel for Landslide Mitigation at the Ocean Trails Golf Course Rancho Palos Verdes, California

  • Fault Hazard Investigation, Belmont Learning Center, Los Angeles, California 

  • Seismic Hazard Investigation for the new North Haiwee Dam #2, Owens Valley, California 

  • Geologic Hazard Mapping and Mitigation Plan for the Tejon Mountain Village Master Planned Development, Kern County, California 

  • Quantitative Assessment of Coseismic Faulting and Folding Deformation Hazards at San Bernardino Valley College, California 

  • Seismic Criteria and Ground Motion Analyses for a Dam in San Diego County, California

  • Geoarchaeological Investigation Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, San Diego County, California

  • Scenario Earthquake Analysis of Water Infrastructure Vulnerability in Orange County, Southern California 

  • Hazard Assessment Study for the Safety Element of the General Plan for the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California 

  • Hazard Assessment Study for the Safety Element of the General Plan for the City of Moorpark, California 

  • Hazards Mapping and Analysis, and Policy Implementation to Reduce Hazards (Safety Element of the General Plan) in the City of Pasadena, California

  • Hazard Assessment Study for the Safety Element of the General Plan, City of Fontana, California

  • Natural Hazard Mapping, Analysis, and Mitigation for the Safety Element of the General Plan for Riverside County, California 

  • Seismic Hazard Review of the San Gabriel Fault in the Area of the Castaic Dam, Los Angeles County, California

  • Hazards Assessment Study for the City of Newport Beach, California

  • Hazards Assessment Study for the City of Glendale, California

  • Fault Hazard Investigation for Los Angeles Unified School District's Belmont Learning Center, Los Angeles, California 

  • Seismic and Geologic Vulnerability Assessment of Oil and Gas Pipelines and Associated Facilities in the Los Angeles Basin, Southern California

  • Evaluation of Fault Rupture Susceptibility for a Network of Petroleum Product Pipelines in the Southwestern United States

  • Evaluating the Development Planning Constraints of the Palos Verdes Fault Zone at Chandler’s Inert and Solid Waste Fill Quarry, Rolling Hills Estates, California 

  • Geological and Geophysical Investigations of the Coyote Pass Escarpment for Design Considerations of the Eastside Light Rail Transit Project in Los Angeles, California 

  • Geologic Feasibility Assessment the Proposed National Underground Science Laboratory (NUSL) San Jacinto Mountains Site Palm Springs, California 

  • Geologic Study to Evaluate the Potential for Active Faulting at the Playa Vista Development in the City of Los Angeles, California 

  • Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Water Supply and Quality, Rancho San Andreas Development, Highland, California

  • Litigation Support for Slope Stability, Liquefaction and Amplified Seismic Shaking, San Francisco Oil Lease in Potrero Canyon, Newhall Ranch, California

  • Alluvial Fan Flood Hazard Mapping for Development Planning, Coachella Valley, Riverside County, California 

  • Safety Elements and Technical Background Reports to Safety Elements by ECI Personnel 

  • Groundwater Basin Investigation and Wastewater Recharge Analysis for the Malibu Creek Estuary Area, Malibu California 

  • Geologic Assessment of Directional Drilling Operations for Calpine’s Sherman Island Pipeline, Contra Costa County, California 

  • Geological Evaluation and Program Management for the Installation of Permanent GPS Receiver Stations Throughout Southern California

  • Mitigation of Natural and Man-made Hazards During Planning and Development of the Olinda Ranch Residential Project, City of Brea, California

  • Quantitative Analysis of Faulting and Fold Deformation from the Elysian Park Blind Thrust for the City of Los Angeles Trunk Sewer Tunnel 

  • Geologic and Seismic Investigations of Co-Seismic Folding Deformation on the Coyote Pass And MacArthur Park Escarpments - Police And Emergency Operations Center Facilities, Los Angeles, California 

  • Third-Party Review and Fault Trenching Study in the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Colton, California 

  • Fault Rupture Hazard Investigation, West Beverly Hills Lineament / Newport-Inglewood Fault at Beverly Hills High School, Beverly Hills, California 

  • Faulting and Liquefaction Assessment for the Southern Trails Pipeline across California

  • Fault Hazard Investigation and Mitigation Plan for the Centennial Specific Plan, Los Angeles County, California 

  • Fault Hazard Screening Study for New Buildings at San Bernardino Valley College, San Bernardino, California

  • Fault Rupture Hazard Investigation for the Sunset Marquis Hotel Expansion Project, West Hollywood, California 


  • Locating Underground Mining Cavities for Infrastructure Site Planning, Mount Hope Mine, Eureka, Nevada 

  • Geomorphic Mapping of the Lower Centennial Wash Watershed, Maricopa County, Arizona

  • Seismic Hazards Evaluation and Mitigation Plan for El Paso Pipeline Segments 1903 and 1904 


  • Fault Hazard Assessment Study for the Proposed La Jovita LNG Terminal Site, Baja California, Mexico 

  • Fault Hazard Assessment Study for a Proposed LNG Terminal Facility, Costa Azul, Baja California, Mexico 

  • Geologic Hazard Screening for Potential Power Plant Sites and LNG Terminal Facilities, Baja California, Mexico 

Central America

Central America
  • Tectonic Geomorphic Reconnaissance of the Pedro Miguel, Azota, Miraflores, and other faults Panamá Canal Area and Vicinity, Panamá

  • Paleoseismic Investigations of the Pedro Miguel Fault for Design of the Panamá Canal Expansion Project

  • Fault Hazard Assessment for a Proposed LNG Terminal Facility, Honduras, Central America

  • Seismic Hazard Assessment and Paleoseismic Investigation for a proposed Container Terminal Facility in Puerto Moín, Costa Rica, Central America 

  • Quantitative Fault Rupture Characterization for Design of the Borinquen Dam, Panama Canal Expansion Project, Panama 

  • Paleoseismic Hazards Evaluation of the Gatún and Limón Faults, Panama Canal, Panama


  • Seismic Design Parameters for a U.S. Navy Wharf Structure at Yokosuka, Japan 


  • Assessment of Seismic Fault Rupture, Ground Deformation and Subsidence Hazards, Ford-Otosan Automobile Assembly Plant, Kocaeli, Turkey 

  • Geotechnical Review and Preparation of Construction Design Specifications, ALARKO’s Alkent Istanbul 2000, Phase 2B, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Assessment of Seismically-Induced Fault and Fold Deformation Potential at the AKSA Acrylic Facility, Yalova, Turkey 


  • Paleoseismic Investigation of the Vilarica Fault to Assess the Seismic Hazard to a Proposed Dam in Northeastern Portugal 


  • Assessment of Earthquake Potential and Levels of Expected Seismic Shaking for a Site Near Haifa, Israel 


  • Earthquake Damage Assessment and Mitigation in the Baghlan Province, Afghanistan


Earth Consultants International

1642 East 4th Street

Santa Ana, CA 92701-5248

© 2019 Earth Consultants International, Inc.

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