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ECI Staff Publications
Papers and Theses
Wirtz, Y., 2017 - Strain Variation Between the Monterey and Sisquoc Formations, Southern Santa Maria Basin, CA: Implication for Structural Assessment of Fold and Thrust Belts, [M.S. thesis]: California State University, Long Beach,
Gath, E. and T. Gonzaléz, 2017, Coseismic fault displacements on the Pedro Miguel fault for design of the Borinquén Dam, Panama Canal Expansion; in Proceedings Volume, 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th, 2017, Paper No. 4905.
Gath, E., T. Gonzaléz, and T. Rockwell, 2017, Tectonic Geomorphology, Late Quaternary Slip Rate, and Paleoseismology of the Whittier Fault in Southern California; in Clark, K.J. et al. (eds), 8th International PATA Days Handbook and Programme, INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 13 – 16 November, 2017, Blenheim, New Zealand, p. 130-133.
Abstracted Presentations
Wirtz, Y., 2018 - Why Structural and Stratigraphic Surface Observations in the Monterey and Sisquoc Formations is a Critical Element to Better Understand the Quality and Style of Miocene Structures in the Subsurface: PSAAPG Conference, Bakersfield, CA.
Gath, E. and T. Gonzaléz, 2017 - Coseismic fault displacements on the Pedro Miguel fault for design of the Borinquén Dam, Panama Canal Expansion; 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th, 2017, Paper No. 4905.
Gath, E., 2017 - AEG’s Learning from Disasters Program: A Proposal to Advance Engineering Geologic Relevancy and Advocate for Geology (abs); Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists Annual Meeting, AEG NEWS, Program with Abstracts, p. 63.
Gath, E., T. Gonzaléz, and T. Rockwell, 2017 - Tectonic Geomorphology, Late Quaternary Slip Rate, and Paleoseismology of the Whittier Fault in Southern California; in Clark, K.J. et al. (eds), 8th International PATA Days Handbook and Programme, INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 13 – 16 November, 2017, Blenheim, New Zealand.
Gath, E., 2017 - Paleoseismic Studies of the Gatún, Limón, and Pedro Miguel Faults for Seismic Hazard Input to the Panama Canal Expansion in Central America; invited Keynote Lecture, 11th IAEG Asian Regional Conference (ARC), Nov. 2017, Journal of Nepal Geological Society, v. 54, p. 6.
Wirtz, Y., Davis, T.L., Namson J.S., 2016 - Integration of Outcrop-, Map-, and Regional-Scale Structural Analysis to Measure Tectonic Shortening in the Santa Maria Basin, CA, 2016 Tectonic Studies Group Conference, London, UK.
Wirtz, Y., Onderdonk N., Behl, R., 2014, 2015, 2016 - Underestimation of Shortening in Balanced Cross-Sections Across the Santa Maria Basin, California Revealed by Map-Scale and Outcrop-Scale Structural Analysis. Pacific Section AAPG, SPE and SEPM Joint Technical Conference, Bakersfield (2014), Oxnard (2015), Las Vegas (2016).
Wirtz, Y., Onderdonk N., Behl, R., 2015 - Significant Tectonic Shortening Not Included in Balanced Cross-Sections is Accommodated by Map-Scale Structural Analysis, Santa Maria Basin, CA, GSA 2015 Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Wirtz, Y. - Why Structural and Stratigraphic Surface Observations in the Monterey and Sisquoc Formations is a Critical Element to Better Understand the Quality and Style of Miocene Structures in the Subsurface: PSAAPG Conference, Bakersfield, CA, April, 2018
Gath, E. - The West Beverly Hills Lineament and Beverly Hills High School: An Unexpected Journey: Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Pacific Coast Section, Bakersfield, California, March 2018, LA Basin Geological Society, Long Beach, California, March 2018 AEG Southern California Chapter, Hollywood, California, April 2018
Gath, E. - Geological and Geotechnical Causation Investigation of a Killer Landslide: AEG Student Chapter, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, 2018. AEG Alaska Chapter, Anchorage, Alaska, 2018.
Gath, E. - Tectonic Geomorphic and Paleoseismic Investigations for the Panama Canal Expansion Project: University of California, Engineering Geology Class, Los Angeles, California 2017
Gath, E. - The Santa Ana Mountains: Indenter Tectonics and the Earthquake Hazards of “The OC”: California State University, Geology Department Seminar, Fullerton, California, 2017LA Basin Geological Society, Long Beach, California, 2017
Wirtz, Y. - Strain Variation Between the Monterey and Sisquoc Formations, Southern Santa Maria Basin, CA: Coast Geological Society, Ventura, CA, November 2017
Gath, E. - The Panamá Canal Expansion Project: Some History and the Grand Opening, June 26, 2016 Panama Canal Society Quarterly Meeting, Laguna Woods, California, May 2017
Attended meetings:
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago Chile, January 9th to 13th, 2017
Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, Sept. 2017
8th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 13 – 16 November, 2017, Blenheim, New Zealand
11th IAEG Asian Regional Conference (ARC), "Engineering Geology for Geodisaster Management”, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov. 2017
AEG Board of Directors meeting, San Francisco, California, May 2017
IAEG Executive and Council meetings, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nov. 2017
Pacific Section AAPG Conference, Bakersfield, April, 2018
AEG Board of Directors meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, May 2018
IAEG Executive meeting, Paris, France, May, 2018
9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology (PATA), 25 – 27 June 2018, Possidi, Greece
Future Earthquake Preparedness for Orange County, Chapman University Forum, August 3, 2018
AEG Board of Directors meeting, San Francisco, California, September 2018
IAEG Executive and Council meetings, San Francisco, California, September 2018
AEG / IAEG Joint Annual Meeting and Congress, San Francisco, California, September 17-21, 2018